Leaping Gems - Pripravljeni na novo dogodivščino napadov na dragulje. Vaša naloga je uničiti vse. A in D kontrolirata ladjo.
Baby Hazel Fancy Dress - Baby Hazel je preveč navdušena, da bi se udeležila tekmovanja v modnih oblekah v njeni šoli. Da bi se oblekla po natečaju...
PenguinBattle.io - PenguinBattle.io je zabavna priložnostna igra. V igri nadzorujete malega pingvina, s katerim se borite na ledeni gori. Vaša...
Baby Hazel Farm Tour - Tokrat je Hazel na kmetiji svojega strica saj božuje živali in rada dela na kmetiji. Igrajte to igro, da boste skupaj s Hazel...
Shoot the Turtle - Uporabite topove, bombe in jetpacke, da čim dlje izstrelite svojo želvo! DIgrate lahko z dotikom ekrana ali z miško.
Dark Ninja Clan - To je zabavna otroška Ninja igra. Cilj igre je zbrati sadje in se izogniti orožju. Pritisnite ali tapnite zaslon za nadzor...
Fishing with Touch - Ribolov z dotikom je igra, pri kateri morate loviti vse ribe, vendar z dotikom. Dotaknite se jih ali kliknite na ribe, da...
PonGoal Challenge - PonGoal Challenge je trenutno najbolj napredna različica igre ping pong, prav v meniju igre lahko spremenite žogo na katero...
Rocket Clash - Rocket Clash is an online game that you can play for free. Defend your base! Don’t let anyone else in! In this game...
Baby Hazel Father’s Day - It’s Father’s Day today! Help Baby Hazel to make this day memorable for dad. Join dad and Hazel to enjoy fun-filled...
Two Blocks is a fun and casual brain-teasing game for players of all ages. The gameplay is easy accessible - connect two or more blocks of the same color in order to remove them from the board. Connections can be either horizontal or vertical and as long as you want. Build a square out of blocks of one color to remove all blocks of this color from the board. If you manage to trap other blocks in a square, the trapped blocks will turn into bombs that help you clear even more blocks with less moves. Two Blocks features 80 levels of slowly increasing difficulty and with various objectives. The game starts pretty easy with clearing a certain amount of colored blocks. Later levels become a bit more tricky and the player has to face obstacles, such as crates, bricks or ice. The key to solve all levels and objectives is to clear blocks strategically to create long connections and squares! Are you ready to prove your intelligence and strategic skills? Play Two Blocks online for free and find out!